#makeTheShift: Start Creating VALUE

#makeTheShift – Finishing Work and Start Creating Value


Stop starting too much work, Start creating VALUE

Too often we have too many things ‘in flight‘. With the computers in our palms and pockets, we are taking multi-tasking to the extreme! Start this new year with a promise to yourself: Promise not to start more work. Instead, shift the focus on finishing the work and creating Value.

It doesn’t matter how much work you have on your plate or how busy you are. What matters is how much Value you are creating for your customers. Adopt a Work in Progress (WIP) limit for yourself and adhere to the limit.

You will be amazed as to how much MORE you will accomplish in the new year with this formula!

{Adopt + Adhere } to WIP limit = Amazing Accomplishments! #makeTheShift pic.twitter.com/sWuSsK1eKL Click To Tweet