Focus on Minimum Viable Progress

What is an MVP?

@GregoryMcKeown uses this term Minimum Viable Progress (MVP) in his book Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less to make a point that we should focus on making smaller progress. While using this term, he does mention Silicon Valley and the use of MVP as Minimum Viable Product by the technology firms.

While talking about Progress, he refers to this term MVP as Minimum Viable Progress, as well as Minimum Viable Preparation. He also talks about Visually rewarding progress, no matter how small the progress is.

I think, we Agilists could use all three definitions. What do you think?

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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2 thoughts on “Focus on Minimum Viable Progress

  1. I prefer the lean startup perspective for MVP…as part of validated learning.

    If validated learning = progress, then that’s good.

    If its the minimum increment of work that is delivered to production in a grouping, then MBI (Minimal Business Increment)…i.e. a “feature” is more appropriate than the use of MVP.

    • Agreed Jack. The ultimate goal is frequent deliver of Value to our Customers.

      Now, the Customer could be yourself (as in case of validated learning and adjusting the course based on the feedback).

      The customer could be organization that you are working on transforming, and in that case, Minimum Viable progress ensures that we keep moving the needle in the right direction.

      A stand alone Feature on the other hand may not be ‘releasable’ by itself. If it does, it is the MVP itself. If it does not, building slices of product features and packaging them as one MVP that bring more value to Customer makes more sense.

      Again, ultimate goal is to deliver Value to our Customers 🙂